
Did you know that setting boundaries is also a component into creating the life that you desire? Well look no further, you can check out my podcast on Spotify where I use my intuition and the assistance of the card to help you uncover the issues that you may be facing when it comes to mental, emotional, or even physical blockage one may be experiencing. Just a reminder energy is fluid so whenever you need the messages they are always here:

The Importance of Boundaries

Boundaries help determine what one will and will not tolerate in a relationship– whether that be with friends, partners, co-workers, bosses, or family members. Boundaries are put in place to protect our well-being, by building trust, safety, and respect in relationships. Common boundaries include emotional, physical, sexual, intellectual, and financial; they can apply to any aspect of your life where you feel they are needed.

How to Set Boundaries

First, it's important to be aware of what is impacting you, your triggers, and knowing what you do and don’t like.

Before setting a boundary, take time to reflect on your needs, struggles, and how it’s impacting your relationships. Reflection and self-awareness will give you a clear idea on what boundaries need to be drawn so then you can take the next step of clearly communicating them. SInce we are focused on SELF the boundaries we are focusing on are the negative thoughts that don’t serve us, the negative feelings we continue to allow to take over the true essences of life and the attachments to either; food, people, environments, subtsance abuse, alcohol whatever we continue to stay attached to when we know they are hendering us from manifesting and creating the life we truly desire.

So being honest with yourself is truly important, remember the longest relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves so this isn’t the time to hold back, hold yourself accountable and reflect on the things that haven’t been serving you, and you either write them out on paper, type them in your phone so that you have them with you remember you are the only one responsible for your life and how you will live.

Setting Boundaries on Your Thoughts

If you have a tendency to think negative or self sabotage start reciting postitive affrimations and reciting the things you have accomplished creating a action plan so that you don’t spiral down a negative thought pattern is very important .

Being MIndful of your Body and its needs

Setting boundaries either on a specific diet or just being healthier in general what are the rewards and consequences of following or neglecting your boundaries .

How Do Address Your emotional cycle

When on your healing journey remember repressed emotions and feelings are coming to the surface. Will you increase your self care practice, increase meditation, limit social media access?

After gaining clarity on the boundaries you have set for yourself and the standard that you have set now the second step is to communicate your boundaries with those who are close to you and moving forward. If you are on a certain diet and someone invites you to a party and you know that your trying to not eat those things anymore will you eat before you go, if you know you’re not strong enough to resist do you not go? Setting the boundaries with yourself is very important and if the person knows you are on your healing journey and can understand if not REMEMBER its not your responsibility to make anyone understand or agree with as long you’ve communicated what it is you will and will not tolerate is the only thing that matters.


Communication is extremely important in order to set healthy boundaries. Ideally, boundaries are communicated :

  • kindly and assertively

  • being respectful, even if feeling anger and spite. While these are valid feelings, they are not always the most helpful when communicating boundaries. 

  • be empathetic

After boundaries are communicated, you should continue to check-in with yourself about whether or not they are working for you. It may be necessary to have follow-up conversations if boundaries are crossed.

When you find yourself struggling to communicate your boundaries, remind yourself that doing so will support efforts to build and maintain the relationships that are important to you. If you are still finding it difficult to effectively communicate, consider reaching out for additional support.

Ready to start setting boundaries? It requires a certain amount of self-awareness and reflection. HERE IS A Free PDF to help guide you on getting started


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